Favorite things from the last week

  1. Comedy Bang Bang: thank god they only release one podcast a week. I would get nothing done.
  2. Radar PDX: lovely meal and drinks in Portland, OR.
  3. James Herriot: just what I need to relax in the bathtub before falling asleep. There’s nothing like descriptions of birthing lambs in an open field with blowing snow to make bed seem really fabulous.
  4. Bunk Sandwiches: I would engage in an inappropriate relationship with their chicken salad sandwich.
  5. Race for the Galaxy: information on Board Game Geek.
  6. Discovering McQuixote Books & Coffee and wanting to take a road trip to Louisville, Kentucky.
  7. Delicious Fennel and Kale Gratin from the New York Times — good for breakfast, too!
  8. Better Block PDX has some cool things planned for 2016.